
Understanding the Breach 

The “Prayer” episode emphasizes that men need to make prayer a priority in their daily lives.

Bricks For The Breach

“The Catechism says prayer is simply the raising of our mind to God. And we’re called to have a deep, intimate personal relationship with God. I couldn’t just show up on game day with no practice and hope to be a hall of famer. The same is true in our spiritual life. We need the discipline of our prayer life. We need to invest time every day in prayer.” (Father Burke Masters) 

“I would strongly urge men to go to Eucharistic adoration. All you have to do is go there and be before God. I always leave with a sense of consolation. I always leave with a sense of peace. When you’re discerning something in your life as a man, there is no better place to go than in the silence of Eucharistic adoration—not to discover what you want, but what is God’s will for you.” (Deacon Harold Burke-Sivers) 


Sword of the Spirit

Pray without ceasing. In all circumstances give thanks, for this is the will of God for you in Christ Jesus. (1 Thessalonians 5:17-18)